Hai Semua. Ini BLOG saya. Parental Advise : This blog is dedicated to our lovely children, however the elder is not attracted to bloggers yet so we decided to open just this one for our daughter. She likes to read and write so much. We do hope you all mind your language and manners well as i don't tolerate well against that kind. So kindly behave yourself and mind the words manners.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

hari rabu 4/08/2010

Karl Benz Gottlieb and Daimler built the first car in Germany in 1890.It was called the 'Horseless Carriange'.It moved at a speed of 20 km per hour.

hari rabu 4/08/2010

Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone in 1876.It worked by changing sounds into signals that travelled along wires.